August 5, 2024

Top 10 things the most profitable agents are doing – Identifying past market appraisals

The market appraisal is a critical part of your pitch to a prospective seller, and in the recent webinar Top 10 things the most profitable agents are doing, Reapit’s Bernadette Sheridan and Shaun Crowe explained how to get the process right.

The most important step in generating a new market appraisal, and the one where many agencies fall down, is to have easy access to past market appraisals. Every minute spent looking for an old file is a minute wasted.

“I remember going through boxes in the back of offices to get market appraisals many years ago,” says Bernadette Sheridan. “I still got instructions, but it’s so much easier nowadays.”

Why is it easier nowadays? Because tech-enabled estate agents can put a system in place to recover old market appraisals, or automatically generate new ones from saved data.

"On the Reapit platform, we have a few different options when it comes to looking at past market appraisals,” explained Shaun Crowe in the webinar.

“On the organiser, within your to-do list for the day, you can have a report in place to show you which market appraisals you need to chase.”

And when you go to generate a fresh appraisal, Reapit’s Power Reports also offer a powerful method to capture and analyse data. With this tool, one can generate multiple reports for past valuations, providing comprehensive insights into market trends and client interactions. For example, you could create a list of all completed valuations or a list of valuations scheduled but then cancelled in the last three months.

The automation capabilities of these reports are particularly useful. When set up correctly, they automatically update to include the latest data from the past three months on a rolling basis, taking away the need for you to adjust the date range by hand. This feature ensures that the information is always up to date, no effort required.

To watch the full webinar, visit:

The market appraisal is a critical part of your pitch to a prospective seller, and in the recent webinar Top 10 things the most profitable agents are doing, Reapit’s Bernadette Sheridan and Shaun Crowe explained how to get the process right.

The most important step in generating a new market appraisal, and the one where many agencies fall down, is to have easy access to past market appraisals. Every minute spent looking for an old file is a minute wasted.

“I remember going through boxes in the back of offices to get market appraisals many years ago,” says Bernadette Sheridan. “I still got instructions, but it’s so much easier nowadays.”

Why is it easier nowadays? Because tech-enabled estate agents can put a system in place to recover old market appraisals, or automatically generate new ones from saved data.

"On the Reapit platform, we have a few different options when it comes to looking at past market appraisals,” explained Shaun Crowe in the webinar.

“On the organiser, within your to-do list for the day, you can have a report in place to show you which market appraisals you need to chase.”

And when you go to generate a fresh appraisal, Reapit’s Power Reports also offer a powerful method to capture and analyse data. With this tool, one can generate multiple reports for past valuations, providing comprehensive insights into market trends and client interactions. For example, you could create a list of all completed valuations or a list of valuations scheduled but then cancelled in the last three months.

The automation capabilities of these reports are particularly useful. When set up correctly, they automatically update to include the latest data from the past three months on a rolling basis, taking away the need for you to adjust the date range by hand. This feature ensures that the information is always up to date, no effort required.

To watch the full webinar, visit: